I realize it's been a loooong time. Vacation came and went, and it was as relaxed as it can be when your day is pretty much the same routine as when you're home (except with a much nicer view.)
Baby has been growing well and everything is progressing nicely. For some reason T and I have taken to calling him George (which will NOT be his name) so if I ever call him George here, you'll understand. My Glucose test was fine, he's content with lying transverse, and I'm not really worried yet about delivery and such. I did find out today though, that it's very likely that my OB will not be delivering George because he's taking a lot of time off around Thanksgiving. I don't honestly mind if he doesn't deliver the baby, (you can refer to E's birth story to see why) but I don't love the idea of not having a doctor closely monitoring me in the days leading up to my due date. With both of my other pregnancies I had several non-stress tests in the days leading up to my due dates, and I want to make sure that I'm still treated the same in the days leading up to this birth. Will I have to drive to a different doctor's office during that time, or just be monitored by NPs? I'll have to talk to my OB about that at my next appointment.
I did go to see my primary care doctor with a few questions, and was very excited to find out that the crazy varicose veins in my right leg (the one with the majority of the foot/ankle swelling) can be fixed under insurance when the pregnancy is over because they are considered "medically necessary" rather than aesthetic. Note to self: 3 pregnancies wreak havoc on legs.
I've been feeling a little like a basketcase in the last week or so. D started Kindergarten, and is enjoying it but is having some issues with the bathroom there that we're trying to figure out (apparently he only likes ONE bathroom stall that has a white, rather than a black, seat.) I also just bought a new/used car, and am trying to sell my old car. It's actually the broker I bought my car from who is selling it for me, but until it's sold, it will continue to be a source of stress. I've also been dealing with our mortgage company because we're trying to get rid of our PMI (if you've never done this before, It's a little complicated so I won't bother trying to explain) and they're basically telling us that the rules are different than what's stated in our mortgage. I'm not thrilled about gearing up for that fight.
There's one other really big issue that has me totally stressed out but it's pretty much a whole post on its own, and something I'd love to ask advice on, so I'll save it for another day.
I'm going to leave it there, and send out love and good vibes to those of you who are pregnant, waiting, or just doing the day-to-day thing, which can sometimes be harder than either of the above!
On The Off Chance…
5 years ago