I did something today that I have literally NEVER in my entire life done before.
I was on my way home from D's playgroup and saw a woman on the side of the highway standing next to her car waving her arms trying to flag down passing cars. I stopped. I have no idea what possessed me. Everything happened very fast, and I guess I thought I could call for help if she didn't have a cell phone. Who knew if there was a medical emergency or something.
It turned out that she and her sister (also standing by the car) had run out of gas, and only had like $1.75 between the two of them. Again, I have no idea what possessed me, but I gave one of the girls a ride to a gas station, gave her a couple of bucks to get more gas ($3.75 total... lol) and drove her back to the car.
I could have been robbed. I could have had my car stolen. Something could have happened to my two year old in the back seat. Who knows? But none of that happened. I went on with my day with nothing but the memory of that little interaction.
I think something told me to stop. I can't explain it...
I guess I figured I can use all the good karma I can get.
**UPDATE** We ordered Chinese food tonight for the first time in several months. My fortune said, "Courtesy pays."
Do you believe in signs?
On The Off Chance…
5 years ago
I think it's so sad that we have to be that cautious of others these days. Like you said, for all you knew, you could have been robbed or even worse.
It's one of those things that you can only hope if you're ever in that situation, someone will stop to help.
I'm glad that nothing happened to you or D.
I think it's great that you helped...and that everything turned out okay! :)
I'm glad you stopped. I suppose there's a real risk, but I usually stop anyway. Or if it's at night or I'm alone I at least call the police and report a stranded motorist.
Glad that you paid it forward today - sadly, in this day in age, we have to second guess people's actions to protect ourselves but I'm sure if you felt that it was a geniune situation, then let it stop at that and not think of the what if's - you did a great deed and storing up good karma is all good!
It is a hard world out there, so you never know what can happen. But I'm also glad you took a minute to help someone else.
yes, i believe in signs. that was so nice of you, and even though there were a million "what ifs", you did a good thing.
nice. karma points do add up, especially when you don't do it for the sake of karma!
I HATE that we are as a society to scared to do the right thing most of the time.....myself included, but I LOVE that you did and that all was well. karma lives, I say put out there what you want the world to be!
I do believe in signs.... I hope that this is the *best* kind of sign for you!
Yes, I believe in signs, and what an awesome fortune! I had a fortune cookie on Saturday that said something to the effect of "that which you desire most will soon happen." Vince thought it was pretty vague, but I got a BFP on Monday! :)
I personally believe in God directing you to do things that you wouldn't do of your own persuasion.
Whatever you call it, I hope between that and the fortune cookie, it is a sign of good things to come!
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