I had an appointment today at the OB's office, and everything is still looking good. Here's the 411 in bullet form:
28 weeks 5 days
Position: Still breech, but lots of time left to turn. (*Crossing fingers*)
Weight: A little over 2.5 pounds (estimated to be about 7.5 lbs by birth)
My weight: I gained a little "extra" weight on my vacation with T, but I'm back down to a net gain of about 10 pounds from my starting weight. (That's a gain of about 15 or 16 pounds from my "morning sickness low.")
Blood pressure: Around 116/75 {the first reading was around 128/80, which is higher than it's been for the whole pregnancy so I was a little nervous because of my history of PIH (Pregnancy induced hypertension) but when the NP took it about 5 minutes later, it was back to my "normal."}
Cervix: Long (5 cm) and closed
1 Hour Glucose: Normal (Yay! No 3 hour test, and no gestational diabetes!)
The one stinky thing about the baby being breech is that its head has already started to dig into my ribs when I sit down, so it's going to be a long 11 1/2 more weeks if it doesn't do a flip for me!
On The Off Chance…
5 years ago