Just had an ultrasound this morning. Baby decided to flip! (Yay!) I know it can still potentially flip back to breech, but the more appointments from here on out that it's facing the right direction, the better.
Baby's weight: Over 4 pounds now! I keep reading that they should be over three pounds by this week, but the u/s tech assured me that the baby is still on track to be around 7.5 or 8 pounds.
My weight: Holding steady for the past few weeks (after my gluttonous vacation!) Today I think I was down one pound from last week, but my appointment was also first thing in the morning, so I'm not really counting that. If I gain a pound a week from here on out, I'll end up at about the same weight as I was when I delivered D.
Blood pressure: 114/80. The person who took the BP asked if I had coffee this morning (and I did) so I'm hoping the coffee right before the blood pressure reading was the reason the diastolic was higher than normal.
Movement: Baby was very active all day yesterday, but then when I lay down at night (when it usually does its little boogie routine) it was very quiet. Just a couple of jabs. It was also fairly quiet this morning. Of course that made me nervous, but the u/s was fine. (Baby scored 8/8 on its biophysical profile.) The NP (nurse practitioner) gave me a kick count instruction sheet which now has me much more nervous than I even was before. For instance, it says that babies may sleep for 60 minute periods, and this is normal. I feel like both of my babies (the successful pregnancies) had/have longer periods of time when they're quiet than 60 minutes. Should I be worried all day, every day?? Pregnancy was so much more fun the first time when I was ignorant...
Preparation: We've been buying some diapers... slowly allowing ourselves to believe that this baby will be coming home with us in July. My husband wants me to pack a bag for the hospital (which is only about 15 minutes from home) but I told him that if the baby comes this early, I'm going to be worried about a lot of other things much more than whether I have deodorant or a change of clothes with me.
On The Off Chance…
5 years ago
Yay! I'm glad you had a good appointment! So, with all these ultrasounds, do you know what you're having? Or are you just choosing to keep it a secret?
With my doctor being 2 1/2 hours away, the doctor recommended I pack my bags now-- especially with all the pregnancy complications. He said that we need to be ready to leave at a moment's notice. I feel like it is still too early, but I guess better safe than sorry, right?
WOW, 31 weeks!!!! I don't know why I had it in my head that you were about 28 weeks.
Great news about the U/S. Laney used to be active most of the day, then as soon as I would lay down at night, she'd go to sleep. She wake up when my alarm would go off. She maintained this even after she was born.
We had an appt on Tues and our baby girl flipped too!! Whoopie! Now for them to stay that way. I have also started to slow down on the weight gain as I didn't gain any in 3 weeks since my last appt. I'm ok with this!! I hope the idea of taking this little one home becomes more and more realistic for you and your hubby.
Congrats on 31 wks! With my first I packed my hosptal bag at 35 weeks, but I am 37 wks with baby #2 today and I am still packing it. My son was 2 weeks overdue so I am hoping our daughter comes by her due date but I am not counting on it!
That is so great that the baby is a very healthy weight and is getting in position! :)
Yay! Glad he/she flipped for you. I'm excited to find out whether you've got a boy or girl in there.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog today - hope your BPs stay in the good zone!
Glad your baby flipped for you! Congrats on 31 weeks!! Time seems to be flying by!
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