
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome back! You're 15 weeks pregnant.

No, actually iVillage, I guess I haven't visited you for a while, but thanks for that punch in the gut anyway.


Amy said...

Oh hon, I'm sorry. I couldn't get babycenter to stop sending me weekly updates after I miscarried. It was so frustrating and gut-wrenching to see those in my inbox. I'm sorry you had that hit-in-the-gut experience today.

Anonymous said...

:( :( :(

Anonymous said...

I hate getting the Gerber coupons in the mail. I must have gotten on some mailing list that I was pregnant....well...yeah...I'm not.....


Sushilover said...

I hated this most through my miscarriages. I finally got myself off the list and never even revisited when I got my last BFP. They just leave a bad taste in my mouth.