
Thursday, May 21, 2009


The end of the proges.terone applicator, that is... after I used it this morning following my positive HPT.

Really, God? Not that I'm not grateful for the positive HPT, but could you just give me ONE FREAKING DAY without worrying that I might be miscarrying because I see pink on the end of the applicator??

Update: Got a little bit of brown mucous on the tp after that, too. I guess that's the way it works. Three minutes of excitement and 9 months of worry. At least it wasn't red. I guess that's something.


Ibis said...

Congratulations on the BFP!

Hang in there... the worry comes and goes for me, I figure it's just part of the process now. GL

wifey said...

Congrats! I hope your good luck rubs off on me this month (fingers crossed). Now breathe..... easier said than done, I know.

You'll be in my thoughts. Try not to worry about the pink. It could very well be nothing, and worrying will get you nowhere. Again, easier said than done :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excitied for u! Congrats!

gallerygirl said...

I had spotting at 13 DPO the last time (remember- thought it was a CP?) I am still hanging in there.

I am really happy for you!! I will say though- now the hard part begins. Try not consume yourself with worry, although it is nearly impossible!

Caz said...

Whoa! Did I miss something?

Congrats to you on getting that BFP. I can understand the worry, it's inevitable.

Karen said...

Congratulations! And I'm so sorry that this pregnancy is starting with worry. Spotting is scary, even when you know that some spotting is normal.

In your post about fate you said, "When it's time for us, we will be given what we need and what we deserve." That's still true.

Stacie said...

YAY! Congratulations on the BFP.

Wifezzilla said...

POSITIVE? BFP? Congrats!

Amy said...

Yay for the BFP! I'm thinking of you and praying forf you!

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo!!! Congratulations!!!